Adaptive Kind
DevOps, Cloud and Software Engineering



Improve system delivery times and site reliability. Strengthen your engineering team through collaborative and inclusive practices.

Increase the effeciency of making high quality changes in a safe and secure manner. Build rock solid CI/CD processes to support continuous deployments with appropriate guardrails, observability-driven development and fast feedback loops.

You may be wishing to lift your TDD approaches, to improve the design decisions you make and increase the confidence in the system behaviour.


Experiment with evolving and new disciplines and techniques. Discover what delivers value for your team.

You may wish to run a PoC or need independent guidance on making key decisions. You need to ensure that appropriate approach is in place to keep the research focussed on the goal, remain open minded to a variety of options and keep the exercise time-bounded. You may be looking to ensure the appropriate decision making process is collaborative, is communicated well and retains an appropriate decision record log to help the wider organisation and future considerations.

Coaching & Training

Learn through doing, with an on-project and practical approach. Techniques such as pair programming can help lift the skills of the whole team, building resiliance and confidence amongst everyone. Training in the context of an project work, reinforces lessons whilst bringing satisfaction through the delivery of value.

Happy to work on short term burst capacity, longer term team commitment or on a continous fractional basis to meet the flexibility and demands you need.

Email or contact Ian Homer on LinkedIn to find out out how we can help you