Adaptive Kind

Setting OpenTelemetry to Send Metrics and Traces to Grafana Cloud

Aug 22, 2024

Let's look into how OpenTelemetry project can help provide a open interface to collecting metrics and traces from our applications. The OpenTelemetry (a.k.a OTel) open source project is about "portable telemetry to enable effective observability". It provides a collection of APIs, SDKs, and tools for many languages. Many vendors support native integrations, including the likes of, Grafana Labs, Elastic, Datadog and New Relic.

Monitoring Kubernetes metrics with Grafana and Prometheus

May 17, 2024

Grafana is an open observability platform that gives your team a centralised view on the health and behaviour of your system. We'll use Kubernetes metrics to quickly spin up some dashboards and provide foundations to experiment and learn more about Grafana.